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Are Grants and Incentives Really Achievable?

Government supports and incentives for entrepreneurs are an important part of starting and growing a successful business. However, the question on many minds is: Are these incentives actually achievable?

The answer is definitely yes! The important thing is to act within appropriate limits and meet the necessary criteria. So, how can we benefit from these incentives? Let's examine it under headings.

Compliance with expectations: Government incentives generally focus on specific areas such as entrepreneurship, innovation, value-added production and exports. And if you are covered by more than one of these topics at the same time, your chances of getting support will increase.

Compliance with the calendar: Incentive programs may be open for application within a certain date range, or there may be programs in effect that are open to continuous application. Considering that the preparation and application process for a suitable program will take a certain amount of time, carefully examining the call calendar will prevent loss of time.

Capability: It is important to comply with the expectations of the supporting institution and show that you can meet this expectation. For this, your financial competence along with technical competence will be among the evaluation criteria.

Sustainability: If you are accepted to the support program, you are expected to strictly comply with the monitoring activities throughout the program and conclude the support program in accordance with expectations. However, it is expected that the gains obtained as a result of the support program will continue to create value in the future.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about government supports or if you have questions about your application process! Our expert team is ready to guide you on the incentive programs that are suitable for you and assist you with the application process.

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